Dawn Papanayotou
Curated jewels to facilitate learnings in this course
Unit 2: Federal and Provincial Health Systems in Canada
Flood, C. M., & Thomas, B. P. (2016). Modernizing the Canada Health Act. Dalhousie Law Journal 39(2), Article 4. https://digitalcommons.schulichlaw.dal.ca/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2075&context=dlj
This article discusses the need for modernizing the Canada Health Act, and details its limitations and also what is missing from the Act.
Government of Canada. (n.d.). Canada Health Act. Retrieved January 20, 2022, from
A description of the Canada Health Act.
Government of Canada. (n.d.). What is health? Retrieved January 20, 2022, from https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/health-promotion/population-health/population-health-approach/what-is-health.html
Canadian federal website that defines health and mentions the broad factors that can influence our health.
Government of Canada. (n.d.). Canada's Health Care System. Retrieved January 20, 2022, from
​Information on the role of the Canadian Health Care System and how health care services are delivered in Canada.
Government of Canada. (2021, October 29). Indigenous health care in Canada. Retrieved January 20, 2022, from
Canadian Federal website describing Indigenous health care and emerging trends in Canada.
Government of Canada. (n.d.). Social determinants of health and health inequalities. Retrieved January 20, 2022, from
Canadian Federal website discussing the social determinants of health, health inequalities and interventions in place to support health equalities in Canada.
Health Canada. (2005, May 16). Canada Health Act - Links to Provincial and Territorial Health Care Web Resources. Retrieved January 20, 2022, from https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/health-care-system/canada-health-care-system-medicare/provincial-territorial-health-care-resources.html​
A link to Provincial and Territorial health care web resources.
Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. (n.d.). Local Health Integration Networks. Retrieved January 22, 2022, from
A description of the LHIN and how it is under Ontario Health/Home and Community Care Support Services.
Ontario Health. (2022, January 19). Retrieved January 20, 2022, from https://www.ontariohealth.ca/
Provincial agency created by the Government of Ontario that coordinates Ontario's health care system.